DMV record towards a job


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i'm done with school for emt-b going to take my national registry..

i have one accident that was my fault, and one accident that wasn't my fault 3 months later. with nothing else on my record.

i'm 19 years old, hoping on getting a job at AMR preferrably but anywhere else is fine.

Can this cause me problems getting insured or even getting a job?
Your age causes more problems about getting a job. A lot of services won't hire under 21 year olds
What state are you located in? AMR i've heard drill thier candidates about points more than anything. Did you get a ticket or any points from the accident?

Start applying, start applying and start applying!

Getting a job is tough, and the sooner you put yourself out there, the more opportunites you will have!

Good Luck!
go to your local dmv and get your H6 report. it costs $5 and you will have to wait in line like everyone else. it will give all the information that AMR or anyone else will want, at the bottom it will list all violations and points.
i'm in los angeles county

My recommendation is to start applying, if they dont accept you because of your driving record or age then your gonna have to wait...

most likely a lot of Ambulance companies dont hire (for drivers at least) any one under 21..

if you wanna know their minimum age limit or driving record limits then call the company and ask them

P.S I think we should make a sticky thread answering driving record Questions.. as ive noticed theres been an influx of these types of threads
well i've done my ride alongs with AMR and talked with 2 of the emts and both have been working there as emt's since they've been 19. i've also heard they hire at 19 aswell.

the only thing i'm concerned with is will they hire me with 1 point on my record
well i've done my ride alongs with AMR and talked with 2 of the emts and both have been working there as emt's since they've been 19. i've also heard they hire at 19 aswell.

the only thing i'm concerned with is will they hire me with 1 point on my record

if you have 1 point you should be fine...

i just got hired at Liberty Ambulance, and i have one point for speeding