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Call came in at around 4am for unresponsive dibatic. I had run this address 2 times before this already for a women with high blood sugar so I already have an idea whats going on. We get there to find a 35 y/o female supine on floor unresponsive. boyfriend standing next to her saying just got home from work and found her. last seen 6pm previous day. I immediatly notice Kussmals resp. walking in. GCS-4. Pulse- weak and thready. skin- warm and moist. no gag reflex so put in an OPA began ventilating. Hx- diabetes (poorly controlled). Accucheck- "HI" means over 600. Pupils- fixed + dialated. Pulse- 110. B/P- 90/60. LS- clear + equal bilat. EKG- Sinus Tach. with wide QRS and tall peaked T waves. Respirations about 38. ETC02- 18. Pulse Ox. 95%. No IV possible so IO estab. and NS under pressure infuser started. Airway eventually controlled with Combitube after multiple failed intubation attempts....In ER pt. given insulin and Bicarb. and intubated using video laryngoscopy and accucheck- over 1000 didn’t hear what the PH was or too much else as dispatch was trying to put us on another call....Now I have a few questions. With having a metabolic acidosis why would the ETC02 read around 18? And with the pupils, why fixed and dilated? I've never seen that on a live person. EKG- I know her electrolytes are screwed up hence peaked T waves and such. I’m sure the wide QRS is related but why? what causes it to widen? And what are the chances of her recovering? I have not run too many of these patients so I have no clue.