Define EMS.


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Let us start by remembering what the acronym EMS stands for.

EMERGENCY: something specifically unanticipated, although generically foreseeable. (If it is unforseen and unanticipated, it can be a disaster.;))

MEDICAL: assessing, deciding and acting to treat or stave off a medical problem.

SYSTEM: "System" implies regulation, authority, control and coordination.

If your local "EMS department" (check your County, State, tribal or whatever directory and I'm sure you will find one) says they are EMS, then they are. And vice-versa.

E.G.: If the EMS authority has made a move to field lots of volunteers with CPR and first aid as part of their system (sounds thin to me, but it happens), then supposedly they are part of the system. But it has to have some sort of authority and control or it is not systematic.

There are many more people with emergency medical skills and training of varying types and names that I feel "EMS" is just shorthand in most places.

EMS--- Eh, Man this Sucks.

PS-- Where do you get "System"? It's Service.
SYSTEM: "System" implies regulation, authority, control and coordination.

I have made my views clear on this in those other threads, but I would just like to ask teh same question. Isn't EMS Emergency Medical Services? Where did we get System?
EMS: A multidiscipinary system that represents the combined efforts of several professionals and agencies to provide prehospital emergency care to the sick and injured.

That is from the AAOS EMT book. IF you read the opeing chapter of any EMT or First Responder book it lists the chain that makes up the EMS system. That includes Dispatchers, First Response (no matter the agency, as long as a certified BLS/ALS provider is there it is First Response), Ambulance Transport, ER, and Allied Health Care that are providing medical care that is of an emergenct nature. In my opinion (not humble in this case) that nxludes every person put inot a possition where they must provide emergency care to a patient. That could include First Aid if they are part of a LE, SAr, Boat Patrol system. It definitely includes Fire First Response, SAR, Rescue, Military Medics, etc... A question as to whether IFT companies are EMS was raised, but I still say yes, since as long as they are certified EMTs they may have to stop for a MVA they come across, run a code if their patient codes, or may be inserted into there areas evacuation plans or MCI plans. Their level of cert is the same as 911 guys, including BLS, CPR, AED, ADL, ICS, etc...
I honestly think that at this point, EMS is an antiquated misnomer for the services it currently encompasses. I think PHMS (pre-hospital medical services) is much more appropriate and inclusive (or at least a similar term would be).
I honestly think that at this point, EMS is an antiquated misnomer for the services it currently encompasses. I think PHMS (pre-hospital medical services) is much more appropriate and inclusive (or at least a similar term would be).

PHMS... I like it. Now, who does that encompase? everyone who provides prehospital medical care? So we just take out the hospital folks, but leave all Ambulance and First Response (in it's many forms)?
That would encompass everyone, yes. Ground and Air ambulance, first responders, event stand by medics, dispatchers, SAR etc.

There could easily be subgroups that can be used when talking about a specific type of PHMS, like EMTS (emergency medical transport service for ground and air ambulances) NEMTS (non emergency medical transport service, for BLS IFTs and the like.)
Unfortunately, in my area (as in many urbans), EMS is often mainly TMS (transport medical services)-- that is, horizontal medical transportation, discharge, dialysis, interfacility, etc.

Thoughts? Commentary?
EMS- A profession for people who are often crazier then the patients they transport.
OK "service", depends upon whom you hang with..

Line folks (service), or the people who make it legally and fiscally possible for them to do what they do ("system").
Go with "Service".
EMS - Every Marriage Suffers PARAMEDIC - Practically All Relationships And Marriages End Disastrously In Court EMT - Empty My Trash (when I was a basic, a medic said that to me, so I emptied it on his stretcher). These acronyms are meant as a joke, but unfortunately have a root in reality, as many of us work several jobs, nights, holidays, and such.