How many people work in a healthcare setting as one part of your job and EMS as the other...
Do you often see patients in the field and in the office? I work in Oncology and many times I get patients in the field and while taking a history I discover that they are seen at my other job by Doctors I work with.
Sometimes I feel compelled to say "Hey Doc, I rant into so and so....." but I dont because it is not germain to their treatment - or I guess more to the point I as an EMS provider and not part of their care team.
Anyone else have this happen?
Do you often see patients in the field and in the office? I work in Oncology and many times I get patients in the field and while taking a history I discover that they are seen at my other job by Doctors I work with.
Sometimes I feel compelled to say "Hey Doc, I rant into so and so....." but I dont because it is not germain to their treatment - or I guess more to the point I as an EMS provider and not part of their care team.
Anyone else have this happen?