CSF Test- has anyone been taugh this?

I would have accepted the hole in the skull as confirmation of a head injury... =)

I got some funny looks from some of the boys after I laughed out loud at that one.
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To echo others, its very interesting academically, and could be valuable to document on long transports, but is not going to change BLS (or ALS) treatment. Do you carry any drugs that impact ICP, and would your administration even change with this new information?
Even when getting to the hospital, before any definitive treatment (surgery), they would do a CT scan.

I agree Dan... and here is my beef with tests like this... If the moi is enough to cause a fracture then treat it like one until proven otherwise. It's great to debate things academically but we dont for the most part we don't diagnose in the field. We in most cases do not have the tools to do so i.e. ct's x-rays labs, etc. We develop a clinical impression based on many factors. The same way doc's do ... and order tests for a definitive diagnosis. For medics with less experience the danger here is being distracted by trying to figure out if it is in fact csf and missing something else because they were distracted.
Do you carry any drugs that impact ICP, and would your administration even change with this new information?

Actually, yes, some places do carry drugs that impact ICP, namely Mannitol which is an osmotic diuretic use for ICP.