CrossFit Grand Opening & SAR Fundraiser

Mountain Res-Q

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CrossFit Sonora Grand Opening & SAR Fundraiser

It is highly unlikely that any posters here will be in my neck of the woods... but I'll advertise this anyway for anyone that might be lurking since we were all encouraged to get the word out...

On SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2010, CrossFit Sonora will be holding it's official Grand Opening and will be using the occassion to also hold a fundraiser for Tuolumne County Sheriff's Search & Rescue... my Team! We will be on site for our "Dog and Pony Show" (I provide the Dog ;)) so that people can see who we are and what we do... and maybe think about joining up. Likewise, CrossFit Personal Trainers we be leading interested folks in mini workouts. Raffle prizes will be available. Procedes from the event will go toward the underfunded Search and Rescue Team... "These things We Do... So That Others May Live!"

14951 Camage Rd.
Sonora, CA 95370

CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movements, executed at high intensity. What does this mean? Lets Break it down.

Constantly Varied- The workouts are constantly changing, we have no set pattern to our workouts, however there is a method to our madness. And there are certain workouts you will see again and again over time, these workouts are proven to be worthwhile and help us test for improvement. In short we train for the unknown, we do this by putting different demands on our body everyday.

Functional Movements- an example of a functional movement we do in CrossFit is the Squat. This is the root of pretty much all exercises and we do this hundreds of times a day. What we don’t do is a movement that is completely useless in day to day life… i.e. calve raises.

Executed at High Intensity- Our workouts are time based, this helps us get that high intensity we search for which equals increased capacity and output. This is the stuff that makes us better and makes the rest of life easier.

But the best way to find out What is CrossFit? Come to our box and try it!!
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From the World of CrossFit Sonora:

This Saturday is our Community Grand Opening/Fundraiser for Search and Rescue. In preparation for our event, we will be cleaning up the box after the WODs on Friday. We appreciate everything our members have done already! A few of you have been out procuring raffle prizes and your efforts help immensely. Here is the game plan for Saturday: we will start setting up at approx. 8 am. Our event starts at 10 am. We will have Search and Rescue Equipment on display and folks from SAR will be attending. There will be snacks, bottled water and Gatorade available for purchase, and our new batch of T-shirts will be here:) so bring your moo-la if you would like to buy a shirt. We have a WOD that anyone can have fun with and we will do that WOD as often as necessary to get everyone through it. Our members should feel free to take family, friends and innocent bystanders on a tour of our box and tell them all about what AMAZING things we do at our facility! Wear your sweetest workout clothes and a CFS shirt to represent:) Daisy Dukes are totally encouraged! We can use all the help we can get from raffle ticket sales, timers, pressing the flesh/kissing babies/shaking hands, running the snack table, photographers/videographers, assisting the general public with signing waivers, taking names for the WOD, and then, of course, everyone’s favorite, CLEAN UP! YAY! We are scheduled to wrap it up by 2 pm, and afterward we will BBQ/potluck at the gym to celebrate our success! Bring your ice chest complete with frothy beverages, a dish to share, and whatever you want to throw on the BBQ.
Sorry, can't make it.

Bronchitis now, and have to be well to get defibbed Monday.
Put some pictures in your album.
So how did it go?

Mine went well.:wacko:
Worked fine.

And the blasting caps in my pockets didn't det.
So how did it go?

All went well. Made a little with the fundraiser. More importantly we handed out a number of team applications to people who are in better shape than me.

The "Workout of the Day" was set up to simulate a "SAR" setting. Carry a large sandbag (100 lbs at most) a length (carrying your gear). Row 500 meters (across a lake). Jump ups on a tractor tire (walking up a trail). Sledge Hammer to the tire 30 times (driving in pickets for your rope system). Swiftwater Throw Bags into the tire from 50 feet (lauching your rope towards the target). Haul 25-100 lbs in a litter on a vetical line that we rigged up without mechanical advantage or assistance (hauling your victim up the cliff). Carry the sandbag (your gear) pack to the starting point). Some Team members particiapated... TOO MUCH WORK FOR ME... :P One of our new Team Members did the entire workout in full Swiftwater Gear (drysuit, pfd, helmet, and booties)... crazy SOB... ^_^ I have pics, but haven't had the time to download them and such...

Finished the day off by proviing 2 hours of GIS Training to several Team Members... Computerized Mapping, GPS Transfers, etc...
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Any suggestions for learning about GIS in a useful way?

Everything I get online is wonktalk worse than income tax.
Everything I get online is wonktalk worse than income tax.

Hands on. Right now SAR in Northern California is seriously moving into the technological age and we are trying to catch up. I have a solid grasp on it all, but am by no means an expert into the dirrection that it is going. right now we are starting small because very soon we might see a shove into some really cool things. Right now I am focusing on just getting a core group of people who can make maps to suite our needs, update the maps as a mission progresses, loading maps to GPS, downloading tracks from the GPS, and the like. The program we are using is a recreational Topo Program. As we move forward we are getting into bed with a SAR guy near to you that has built his own software that is gaining populatity not only in SAR, but in Disaster Services. We are talking about real time tracking in the field, the ability to send pictures (like of clues and such) to the ICP to be attatched to the maps, connectivity and communication that has never been seen in a wilderness SAR setting... cool stuff...
Raffle Offer

Dear Mountain-Res-Q,

If in the future, you have another of these events, Adroit Innovation, LLC would be happy to donate a pair of FlightShears ( for your raffle.

We recently donated a pair for a coral-reef, clean-up event prize and have agreed to donate one as a prize for a EMS blog contest.

We are also looking to donate to charity auctions for hospitals, fire departments, and so on.
Mountain-Res-Q, eep me posted by email etc.

EMTSTRONG, good on you too!