CPR Class- FNG...


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Hey everyone, I start my EMT-B class on November 1st, Talking to the instructor he said I need to re-certify for CPR before that time.. which I expected, but going on the Red Cross site, I see that you have the option to take for the laymen or for the "professional rescuer". So, my question is at this point I am not a Professional Rescuer, which class do I take?
Thanks guys and gals.
Hey everyone, I start my EMT-B class on November 1st, Talking to the instructor he said I need to re-certify for CPR before that time.. which I expected, but going on the Red Cross site, I see that you have the option to take for the laymen or for the "professional rescuer". So, my question is at this point I am not a Professional Rescuer, which class do I take?
Thanks guys and gals.
Since you're going into EMT school, you'll need to take the Professional Rescuer version. That's the level of CPR you'll need from now on.
Since you're going into EMT school, you'll need to take the Professional Rescuer version. That's the level of CPR you'll need from now on.

Thanks for the quick reply! I kinda assumed as much, just wasnt sure if they would ask to see any sort of certification (which I obviously do not have yet)
Thanks for the quick reply! I kinda assumed as much, just wasnt sure if they would ask to see any sort of certification (which I obviously do not have yet)
Anyone willing to spend the money can take a Pro Rescuer CPR course. Seriously.
The cost of the course is usually a little bit more expensive than the other courses but then again, there's more stuff that has to be brought along, used, and cleaned for that course than with other courses.

Quite frankly, if you've taken CPR before, using the 2010 guidelines, you'll find Pro Rescuer CPR very familiar. My advice, look for the class and go for it. If the ARC doesn't have a course soon enough, don't forget to check the AHA. IIRC both have courses that are acceptable and certify you for 2 years.
Call the school to make sure the red cross will work.

Our class insisted we have AHA healthcare provider CPR. It was the only certification they would take
Call the school to make sure the red cross will work.

Our class insisted we have AHA healthcare provider CPR. It was the only certification they would take

That makes sense, its not a school, just a local FD with an instructor from a local ambulance service, but I will give him a call before I sign up for any class, My EMS should pay for it, but they probably wouldn't like paying for it twice :cool:
Whatever class your instructor requires. The ARC "CPRO" class gives you (well, sells you) a pocket mask (infant and adult masks with filter valve) and the url to see the study material. No book, that is online. And now, cards are online, you get a link and print it yourself.
Whatever class your instructor requires. The ARC "CPRO" class gives you (well, sells you) a pocket mask (infant and adult masks with filter valve) and the url to see the study material. No book, that is online. And now, cards are online, you get a link and print it yourself.

The cards are online? hm thats different than last time. Either way it looks like im driving an hour for the class, so it doesn't really matter which one. Most of the members of my class are Fire or Dive Rescue, and he said whatever CPR they had was fine, so I'd assume he doesn't care in my case either, but ill check with them to be sure.