Still crazy but elsewhere
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In the early 1970's field EMS was just gettting going and some of the tools (spineboards, splints) were frequently handmade locally, in part because EMS was being grown on the Fire Department framework and (according to Dennis Smith) at that point over 90% of firefighters were volunteers. Some tools from recent conflicts (tetrasnips, air splints, MAST trousers) were making it into the civlian world, ususally without clinical study.
In the Eighties, the tools started becoming more refined, more companies were formed to sell and devise them, some were being discarded, ambulances became DOT standardized.
Now, we are watching the third wave as it were, taking any idea with a unique aspect and patenting it for sale, equipment (especially vehicle) prices climbing, more procedures and tools from combat are making their way into the civilian market once again. Electronics make up a hugely greater part, as do plastics, disposables, and the use of batteries including rechargeables.
I feel we will see a proliferation of cheapjack and unnecessary toolls for sale, aftermarket and offbrand accessories such as AED electrodes will make inroads, and newer models of devices will come out more frequently.
What do you all see colming? IPhone apps? PC's as mobile monitors? Larger or smaller or a mix of ambulances?
In the Eighties, the tools started becoming more refined, more companies were formed to sell and devise them, some were being discarded, ambulances became DOT standardized.
Now, we are watching the third wave as it were, taking any idea with a unique aspect and patenting it for sale, equipment (especially vehicle) prices climbing, more procedures and tools from combat are making their way into the civilian market once again. Electronics make up a hugely greater part, as do plastics, disposables, and the use of batteries including rechargeables.
I feel we will see a proliferation of cheapjack and unnecessary toolls for sale, aftermarket and offbrand accessories such as AED electrodes will make inroads, and newer models of devices will come out more frequently.
What do you all see colming? IPhone apps? PC's as mobile monitors? Larger or smaller or a mix of ambulances?