Con-Ed: Pittsburgh Area


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I am a new EMT-B in the Pittsburgh area (Beaver County). Anyone know of good Con-Ed classes coming up? The only one I know of is at Mercy Hospital every third Thursday of the month.
1. Check Center for Emergency Medicine web site (, they have con-ed classes (EVOC, ITLS, etc.) every once in a while.
2. Check you local fire academy; if you are interested in rescue or hazmat classes, some of them can give you con-ed credits in category "other".
3. Every spring there is EMS Update weekend at Seven Springs. A lot of good con-ed classes, some of them are full weeks or months before it starts, so you may need to register in advance.
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A BVR class just started yesterday at West Deer VFD#3 One of the Medics I work with from our station is the instructor...good dude cool to work with and he knows his stuff!