Coffee and hypertension - HELP please

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Hi everyone,

A Regular and heavy consumption of coffee is related to hypertension?

I have a family history of hypertension, CVD and type II diabetes, and so I do every year the following tests:

Blood tests:
- Glucose
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
- Cholesterol
- HDL and LDL Cholesterol
- Creatinin
- Type 2 urine
- tryglicerids

Cardiac test:
- Cardiac stress test
- Echocardiography

And a complete physical examination with my GP.

All tests are normal this year (except isolated PVCs that was detected) but my blood pressure was slightly high (142/85) after three measurements, but the doctor said that it is not a "big deal".

I'm 19 (almost 20), I am healthy (except asthma), have a balanced diet and practice exercise (when I have free time), I do not smoke and do not drink alcohol at all. The only medication I take is Symbicort every day to prevent asthma exacerbations.

Today I asked my colleague to measure and my BP was 135/85. Is it that I drink coffee regularly? It is cause for worry?
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