City of Ottawa, Canada


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Are there any paramedics from Ottawa, Ontario on the forum?
Are there really no paramedics from Ottawa here? :( I was hoping to ask them a few questions!
Are there really no paramedics from Ottawa here? :( I was hoping to ask them a few questions!

Canada yes there is a couple, Ottawa? Do not think so.
Yes I know there are some Canadians but I was hoping for Ottawa :(
It is our capital city and it has it's own municipal paramedic force which is uncommon in Canada. There are only a few of them. :)
Yes I know there are some Canadians but I was hoping for Ottawa :(
It is our capital city and it has it's own municipal paramedic force which is uncommon in Canada. There are only a few of them. :)

Not uncommon at all. Essentially all of Ontario is Municipal EMS, just at the Upper Tier Municipal Level (Counties or Regions). Large cities like Ottawa, Toronto or Hamilton are not part of a greater upper tier and thus have there own service.

I don't work in Ottawa, but I'm familiar with the broad strokes of the system. What would you like to know?
Not uncommon at all. Essentially all of Ontario is Municipal EMS, just at the Upper Tier Municipal Level (Counties or Regions). Large cities like Ottawa, Toronto or Hamilton are not part of a greater upper tier and thus have there own service.

I don't work in Ottawa, but I'm familiar with the broad strokes of the system. What would you like to know?

Hi Wolfman,

Thanks for replying. Thanks for the information! I couldn't find much information on EMS in Ontario, outside from the main municipal departments, Ottawa, Toronto, etc. And so I assumed that it was the same as where I am, except for the major cities. I'm from B.C., so it's all run by one outfit, B.C. Ambulance. I'm curious about a few things in Ottawa, and now Ontario that you mention it.

How well are you all paid? Does it vary by region? Do you have "pager-wages", etc? How well are Ottawa Paramedics paid? Future hiring prospects in Ottawa? Is licensing a hassle, or once you license for the province, you can apply to work for all the different providers?

Thanks again!
Hi Wolfman,

Thanks for replying. Thanks for the information! I couldn't find much information on EMS in Ontario, outside from the main municipal departments, Ottawa, Toronto, etc. And so I assumed that it was the same as where I am, except for the major cities. I'm from B.C., so it's all run by one outfit, B.C. Ambulance. I'm curious about a few things in Ottawa, and now Ontario that you mention it.

How well are you all paid? Does it vary by region? Do you have "pager-wages", etc? How well are Ottawa Paramedics paid? Future hiring prospects in Ottawa? Is licensing a hassle, or once you license for the province, you can apply to work for all the different providers?

Thanks again!

Ontario has some of the highest medic wages in Canada ( outside of industrial) it I also one of the hardest places to get a job. There are many Ontario medics that are unable to get jobs and have to move elsewhere as it is so competitive. I am told there can be hundreds of applications per open position. Also keep in mind that Ontario has a 2 year pcp program. I have not tried to license there but have heard it can be a hassle to get reciprocity.
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Ontario has some of the highest medic wages in Canada ( outside of industrial) it I also one of the hardest places to get a job. There are many Ontario medics that are unable to get jobs and have to move elsewhere as it is so competitive. I am told there can be hundreds of applications per open position. Also keep in mind that Ontario has a 2 year pcp program. I have not tried to license there but have heard it can be a hassle to get reciprocity.

Thanks Tim. I always appreciate your perspective.
Also keep in mind that Ontario has a 2 year pcp program. I have not tried to license there but have heard it can be a hassle to get reciprocity.
I had heard the same thing, but the process for me was quite simple and straightforward.
Are there any paramedics from Ottawa, Ontario on the forum?
Hi I am from BC and I'm going into the oil patch out here. BC Ambulance is mostly $2/hr on call and only about 4 calls at most a day unless your in metro Vancouver where you have to be like 20yrs seniority in the union to get in. Although rural areas have some postings. The majority of work I have seen is in Industrial first Aid/Safety. I don't know if there is much industrial work in ONT. but maybe check it out till you can get a position in Ottawa?
good luck, if you're coming out west drop me a line and I can give you some pointers on what you need for Industrial work.
