Come on, we need people. You apply online, but don't rely on the HR dept. Call the office so the manager knows to look for you. 409-880-3922 Tell them you applied and when so that they can ask hr about you. We have really good benefits. 90/10 bluecross blueshield. TMRS retirement. If you are looking this direction, also check out City of Baytown EMS (east of Houston), Montgomery County Hospital District(north of Houston), Harris County ESD 1, and City of LaPorte(south of Baytown) . Hays County(San Marcos, near San Antonio and Austin), Washington County( Brenham, where they make Blue Bell ice cream), Williamson County(north of Austin). All 3rd service. Acadian is big in Texas, and getting bigger. Not everyone's cup of tea, though. Wages are decent. The further north you go, the lower they get.