Chat Guidelines

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Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
The moderators just want to remind everyone here that the same rules apply in the Chat Room as apply in the Forum. Also, here are a list of helpful commands while in the chat room.

/? Help
/clear Clears the screen
/msg <user> PM's a user in chat
/join <room> join another Chat room.
/quit Exits that chat feature
/invite <user> Invites user to room you're currently in
/sos <message> Alerts moderators currently in chat.

Also, the "Save" button located above your text typing box will save the entire chat up to that point for moderator review.

You're font color can be changed by clicking the white box between the "Options" and "Save" buttons. NOTE: Some colors are very difficult to read with some backgrounds.

You can have all text in the chat changed to your color scheme by clicking "Options" then "Text" and selecting "Use my color scheme for all text."
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