Challenge Coins

Does your Fire/EMS agency award challenge coins?

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This sounds like a great way to reward medics. I'm at a university, and this would be a great way for us to show appreciation.
Just curious if any of your agencies award challenge coins to your members?
The DMAT team I belong too has issued them in the past and is planning on getting some new ones made up. They're awarded to members who successfully complete the entire NDMS training program. I've been thinking about suggesting the idea to the FD as well.

We have awarded them based on merit / special acts.

I really like the idea of awarding them based on completing various advanced training programs.
I really wanted to do a build thread, but I forgot to take pics. So this is more of a beginning and end thread.
The only time I ever saw a Challenge coin was when I asked my EMT Instructor (back when I was in school) who was a firefighter if he had ever seen one or heard of them being used. He thought about it for a bit, then he produced a FD Challenge coin from his wallet with some difficulty as it had been there for some time, and showed it to me. He explained that he kept it in there since the fire academy and never used it, as he would use his fire ID badge instead. So they are definitely out there, but mostly for fire and police not so much for EMS agencys in my personal experience. Though it would definitely would be cool if more EMS agency's used/ gave them out. Thanks for starting this thread, its interesting.
We got one the day we started academy. It lives in my jewelry box with my high school class ring, flight attendant wings and [airline] company seniority pins.