Certs to take while waiting for Paramedic School


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So I'm at the tail end of my EMT-B course and I fully intend to go to Paramedic school which won't be offered until January. I figure I might as well try and get through some certifications to try and widen my scope of practice and make things easier in the long run. However, I'm not quite sure if any of them will be redundant. I'd like to get a phlebotomy cert for one thing, but I'd like suggestions for any others that I can get out of the way as well.

Thanks in advance!
Try some college classes in basic sciences rather than the garbage aimed at EMS.
I am already currently taking an Anatomy and Physiology class. I'm actually almost done with what would be the first quarter of the Paramedic coursework. I plan on taking the English course required after the summer. I understand your suggestion to take basic classes but I kinda want to take a break from a typical class. Also, these certifications are also for general medical knowledge as I intend to pursue a nursing degree following my paramedic degree. So it's not all for EMS. Thanks though, for the suggestion.
If you're thinking about nursing, take chem, micro biology, medical term... And if you can, take a pharmacology course. A phlebotomy class is pointless unless you plan on working somewhere drawing blood. The rest of the merit badge classes (AVLS, PALS and PHTLS) should all be included in the medic program.
Well I will be volunteering at a health clinic for low income families funded by my church. When I contacted the lady in charge she sounded more excited about my expired pharmacy tech cert than my EMT...I'd rather work on the clinical side but there's really not that much I can do help there I guess. Also, I really don't want to have to go through recerting as a pharmacy tech. I was thinking that drawing blood would be a better fate than pharmacy tech.