Cataldo/Atlantic Pre Hire Exam?


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Hello out there, Im inquiring about Cataldo's pre hire exam for a friend of mine who recently go his ticket for EMT-B. I myself work for another company. But as a favor to him he had asked if I could find out what they give to potential hires. On the written exam how many questions, least passing score, difficulty and what to brush up on or expect on the written. He also wanted to know if should he not fail could you take it again. I know like agencies like patriot only allow 3 shots but does cataldo have a limit on how many times and if so does this mean your never allowed to take it again. On the practical do they do all the stations like back boarding, Ked, Splinting, Traction Splint, CPR-AED, Medical/Trauma or just one either medical or trauma. Does Cataldo want you to do it step by step like in the exam at the state practical or just preform it like you know you have an idea what your talking about? He's just nervous since he's new at this and wants the best answers to help him, as we all were when we had to do it. Thanks:)
Tell your "friend" cough cough (you) that the test is nothing to worry about. Especially since you just got your cert, and the info is still fresh.
Umm it is not for me, I'm doing this as a favor. If your gonna talk rag time post it on something else. If I was asking for me I would have said it.