For anyone that thinks the OBs are wrong in their overly defensive decisions I'll tell a little story I witnessed on my time on L&D. Women comes in, has been laboring at home for several hours, came in because a CNMW insisted it had been too long. She comes in, refuses all care, initially. She was told MULTIPLE time by myself, the nurses, the residents, and the attending that she was endangering her baby. Couple more hours go by, she has not progressed, we finally convince her to let us just put a HR monitor on. FHT in the 60's. She refuses emergent section, labors for several more hours, finally delivers a previously healthy, deceased fetus.
Immediately begins yelling that no one told her the risks, etc, etc. Attending was served my last week on the rotation.
Now, will she win? I truly hope not. But even if she doesn't "win", this attending has to take time off work, hire a lawyer, a deal with the stress of a lawsuit. Then there is the chance that his malpractice could just settle if they decide the case isn't worth taking to trial, no big deal right? Wrong, that goes against the physician even if he has no say in the matter, because for the malpractice carrier it is purely a monetary decision.
Now, these scenarios aren't as uncommon as people believe, and they exist in every specialty in medicine. So as much as it pains me to see some wasted decisions and entirely overly conservative decisions made by docs, believe me I get it.