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What kind of C-Collars does your service use? Meaning...are they adjustable or one-size (that has the pedi, no-neck, regular, tall, etc)? Is one more sturdy than another? Cost? etc?

It seems it would be nice to have the adjustable (we only have the one-size), at least for us, it would save a trip back to the ambulance to get another collar if it doesn't fit.

Just curious

adjustables. not because they are easier to use or any other such reason. because the service only has to order two sizes, adult and pedi.
We have tried out the peds adjustable, but not the adult. We have individual sizes for all the adult size collars. Honestly, with administration always looking at the bottom line, I am surprised we haven't switched to adjustables collars all the way around.
The adjustables don't usually fit pedi to adult... they fit multiple sizes of peds, and multiple sizes of adults.

We use them at work and the vollie squad.... they make life a lot easier... we no longer assume everyone is a no-neck ;). I've actually applied it and than modified the size after repositioning the patient... try doing that with a regular collar. They don't cost that much more, and they limit the amount of collars I need to store on the rig and in the closet.

I've used both Ambu and Stifneck brand ones... I like the Ambu one better... more sizes.
The adjustables don't usually fit pedi to adult... they fit multiple sizes of peds, and multiple sizes of adults.

We use them at work and the vollie squad.... they make life a lot easier... we no longer assume everyone is a no-neck ;). I've actually applied it and than modified the size after repositioning the patient... try doing that with a regular collar. They don't cost that much more, and they limit the amount of collars I need to store on the rig and in the closet.

I've used both Ambu and Stifneck brand ones... I like the Ambu one better... more sizes.
i use the peds and adult adjustable because there easier and more cost efficient according to our company.
It seems it would be nice to have the adjustable (we only have the one-size), at least for us, it would save a trip back to the ambulance to get another collar if it doesn't fit.
Don't you have a collar bag that you would take out when using the backboard? This is what we have in my service.
I dont know about using sandbags, it seems like it could create a lot of strain on the patients neck during transport if they slide. We use the leardal stiffneck which works really well, and have 2 sizes for peds
I dont know about using sandbags, it seems like it could create a lot of strain on the patients neck during transport if they slide. We use the leardal stiffneck which works really well, and have 2 sizes for peds

I was kidding. We have the adjustable, Adult and Peds.
C- collars!

We use Laerdal Stifneck Select adult and pedi select and the "Sta-Blok" head immobilizers,ans 2 inch cloth tape!:)
We're currently using up what's left of our stock of the sized collars, after they are gone we are switching to the adjustable.
We use the individual size ones, which caught me by surprise the first time. Grabbed one, cracked it open, and spent several moments trying to figure out how to adjust it.
At my work, we've got our rigs set up with an adjustable collar wrapped around a set of disposable CID blocks and a set of disposable straps... I grab that and a backboard and I've got everything I need.
At the vollie squad, we've got a collar bag which has a set of our straps and CID's... I grab that and the board, and we are good to go.

Ironically, our older and lesser used truck has a Laderal collar bag, but our primary truck (ambulance) doesn't seem to have one...odd. I guess it would just be a matter switching the bags...

Another question about adjustables...are they only adjustable to "one-size" up (if that makes any sense.......ie- for an adult adjustable collar, does it only adjust to a no-neck, small, regular and tall or can you adjust for a more 'perfect' fit? Because I know they irritate a lot of patients if they don't fit right)

Great responses...thanks!
Bugger all, give me Phillies!

Being Flinstones EMT's, we were taught that the C-Collar was just an adjunct to manual positioning until the pt was fully packaged. Phillies are well-tolerated. I can teach one of my nursing cohorts a Phillie collar in three minutes, but they have failed to grasp Stiffnecks over five years.
I "faked" one with an Alumisplint one time and it was perfect; custom fit, and since my hands were busy I didn't have to maintain alignment manually for a change!