I'm just going to rant a little, so excuse the comma splices.
Sometimes I cry a little, I mean, I keep it on the inside obviously, but when I read posts like this and I'm here working the hardest I can to become the best medical professional I can, I can't help but just get depressed.
I feel like I'm swimming against the current, like I'm on the edge of the niagara falls and everyone is just falling off the waterfall of stupidity.
I try to swim so hard, by reading more, by studying more, by asking the doctors about all the questions to develop my mindset. I usually feel like I'm managing to hold on, but sometimes I read or hear things that really test my grip.
Everytime I see a post like this, or I'm at the hospital and hear providers ask similarly painful questions, it's as if a tumbling body slams into me, almost pushing me off the edge of the waterfall.
I mean, is it that bad? Am I one of the few souls out there who actually reads my books and have some sort of common-sensical approach to medicine? Do people ever use instinct anymore? I'm just an EMT-B, not a FCEPNREMTCC-EMTP or whatever. Hell, I'm probably younger than a lot of you.
Know what? I feel like this guy
I know you'll all probably yell at me or give me negative points (or whatever the internet equivalent is), stating that this is a personal attack against this poster, but it isn't. I really don't mean to attack or make fun of anybody. I just sometimes really feel like I'm fighting a losing battle against the river of stupid people.