Breast Cancer Three-Day


I put the M in EMTLife
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My company is providing ALS units for the Breast Cancer Three-Day in our area (

It was exciting to hear everyone in a room and hear us prepare for this event. By all means it an MCI, and we're likely to transport huge numbers of patients.

Any ideas on how to prepare for this event? Of course our company has discussed this idea thoroughly, and I firmly believe that our plan will work out great, but I'd like to hear what others have suggested beyond what we talked about.

Here were a few items to consider:

- Huge transports, how do you do paperwork for every single patient on time?
- Turn around time, how to you pass off a boatload of patients and get back on scene?
- Communication, how is it handled? Do we all carry preps? Who calls the hospitals? For each patient?
- What type of uniform? Should we wear our normal white formal PD/FF-type shirts?
- What extra supplies should we bring?

I'd like to hear what others do to prepare for huge events like these :)