Brand new to EMTLIFE!


Forum Ride Along
Hello, all. Call me Phaedrus. I stumbled upon this site Googling for info on Celox & Quik Clot and liked it enough to register. I'm a former chef attending school, studying Information Technology. For years I've been wanting to take the EMT-B course at a local technical college, and I think I'll finally get the chance in a couple weeks. To be honest, my primary reason for taking the EMT course was initially just to be a Good Citizen, but my research into just what you folks do every day makes me consider actually looking into it.

But first things first! If I pass the course I can always look into taking the test, and even if I don't I'll be a lot more prepared for an emergency than I was before. FWIW I love camping, shooting and hiking- lots of room for accidents. And I have several thousand dollars worth of razor sharp Japanese knives for work and have seen (and occasionally suffered) some ghastly injuries in the kitchen, ranging from severed fingers to 2nd degree burns...and worse happens that I've been lucky enough to avoid over the last 20+ years.

I hope to learn a bit about first responser-type treatment as well as peer thru the window at the life of an EMT. So I will just say I'm happy to have found this site.


Welcome. The education of an EMT is not rocket science but it's definitely valuable info anyone can use. Good luck.

P.S. cool to have another shooting enthusiast ;)


Forum Ride Along
Welcome to EMS!

Its good to see that you have an attitude that is happy if you pass or fail but I'm sure you'll do fine as long as you keep up with the work!

And its nice to see a fellow hiker as well ahha and God knows basic first aid is needed on advanced hikes


Forum Lieutenant
Nice to see someone entering EMS who seems mature and has realistic and reasonable expectations.

Welcome and best of luck to you.


Forum Ride Along
Welcome to EMS!

Its good to see that you have an attitude that is happy if you pass or fail but I'm sure you'll do fine as long as you keep up with the work!

And its nice to see a fellow hiker as well ahha and God knows basic first aid is needed on advanced hikes

I guess I didn't phrase that right!:wub: Obviously if I take the course I'm gonna bust my *** and pass it. I just meant that if I end up taking the registry test and/or pursuing a career, cool- if I just take the course but not the test, I still have the knowledge. I'm a pretty bright (overall!;)) and a hard worker, and I'm an excellent student (book learnin' especially). Passing should be doable with hard work.

At the age of 41 I may be a little old to start out in the field. It's one thing switching from the kitchen to the computer server room, but the job of an EMT might be a bit physically demanding to start at my age. I'm in okay shape but all the 16 days on my feet in the heat is one of the reasons I'm trying to get out the restaurant biz. I can still do it now but I'm not optimistic that I'll be able to hang with young pups when I'm 50 or 60!:blink:

At at rate, it's nice to be here!