Boston area companies


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Hi guys,

So I know there's several posts like this but the ones I've seen are pretty old and I know things change so I figured I'd ask. I'm taking my practical pretty soon and I've been looking around for companies to work for once I'm licensed. I live in a suburb of Boston so a company in the area is what I'm looking for. Ideally I'd like to work primarily 911 but as a brand new EMT I totally understand that may not be possible and I need to take what I can get.

So far the ones I'm most interested in are:

1. PRO Ems - They seem like a good company. Plus being in Cambridge they're pretty busy so it'll be good for the experience.

2. Cataldo/Atlantic - I did third-rider time with Atlantic for my class. They seemed great and I've hear good things about Cataldo.

3. Patriot Ambulance - They're pretty close to me and seem like a good company. They also seem to have a decent number of municipal contracts.

They're are a few others I've checked out like Action, Armstrong, and Lifeline. Does anyone have any info on these or any other companies?

Thanks in advance for the help!!

I'm on my phone right now, but search for the MA company thread. There's good info in there. Also why did you start two identical threads?
I realized after that I posted the first one in the wrong place and I didn't know how to move or delete it.

I've looked at some of the MA threads and a lot of them are a year old or more so I was looking for some updated info.