Boss and kids


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Just checking to see how many of you run with a full time basic ambulance. I work as the only full time employee for ours. And then the rest are paid on call. And we have 4 basics that have under 1 year in ems. And they get mad when you try to show them something. And one of their mom is the boss. Now let me tell you how can you get how a boss for a ambulance company does not have any training not even a first responder. And they have no field supervisors. And when you try to help her daughter she gets mad and tells you it not your place to do it. I tell her that they all have under a year in ems and none of them have been on over 100 calls that they still need training. Its gotten so bad I am looking for another ambulance to go to work for. All these new emts leave pt info just laying around so any one can see it. And when I ask that we have a hiipa class for the new employees. I was told not to worry about. I told this ambulance board I do worry about getting a law suit from this.
My advice is to RUN.. RUN fast! This would be of course after I would advise the state licensing board. Sorry, these type of services need to be SHUT DOWN immediately!

This is the type that brings our profession to new low standards. Very few services can operate with nepotism. Personally, in an ideal management, it should not matter if the administrator is a EMT or former medic, as long as they have personal and they listen to what is essential. However; I doubt that this is the case here...

My advise is to take notes and then notify the proper authorities.. I am sure they are shy of OSHA, HIPAA, and other major violations as well.

Good luck
R/r 911
And as you're leaving, take a moment and write down the dates and times you notified people of these problems, and to whom you addressed these problems to so that your arse is covered in case someone comes after you.
Documention, documention, documention......... I am a firm believer of self preservation, sanity, soul and otherwise. B)
Absolutely. Put your comments into writing and mail a copy to yourself that you leave unopened. The postmark on an unopened letter is a legal way of verifying the date of the letter.
been there did that. could not resign fast enough. think i set a new record in getting out of dodge
I have all of this documentedand also emails with who was notified. And I also printed out thier replys. My big problem with the boss not being a emt of medic is she is a driver. And trys to tell you what to do on a scene. I know I do not now everything but I do have 14 years in ems. Then you get her and her daughter together. Who just got her emt basic in april trying to run a scene. It makes a mess. I have tried to tell them to look in her daughters emt book. The highest level on scene will take charge pf the scene. I have turned all of this in to the right departments. As for getting out I'm in the middle of that right now. The big problem is they moved me out here form out west. And now I got to find another job and move.
Who owns the company? Usually, everyone has a boss.. Unless, the "mother" is the sole owner and operator, then go up the food chain. Hey, what do you have to loose if your going to quit? Maybe the owner/board/ proprietor are not aware of the problems.

God luck!

R/r 911
The ambulance is run by a board and the mother is the president. And the rest have been told about this. But the say to go to the president. I have even went into the board meetings and tried to bring it up. With no luck shut down ever time. And I am putting in my two weeks at the next board meeting. I tried to make it work but it is just too hard in a small town. And the ambulance is a not for porfit. So I just ran into a wall. They do have a investagaion by the US Dept. of Health and Human for the hippa. And OSHA is looking into the Blood Brone issue. I have been here 18 months now. And we have not had a hippa or blood borne class in all that time. I also have the local ems office looking into all this as well as the state. These new emts have had two complaints filed in the last month on them. And the board still lets them run around unsupervised. They just try to say the pts are just picking on them.
Sorry, guess chalk this up to experience. After gaining employment somewhere else, I would never list this service as an employer on my resume. I would not to be associated with their name, anywhere I go.

Good luck,

If they have a board, there are rules governing what is to be included into the record of a board meeting. You must follow the rules of the board to be recognized. Then you must tell the board that you want your presentation read into the record of the meeting. Then you read your letter or presentation. Affter you are done, being careful to stay within the allotted time, you present the board with a printed copy of what you read.

If you follow these rules, what you have presented must be included in the minutes of the board meeting and will be found in discovery by any poor sap trying to sue them.

If you can present this to the board, not as 'I know everything and I'm going to try an change you to do things my way' but as ' your company is in danger of being sued because of the following deficiencies, an easy way to avoid this is......' It's a long shot but sometimes if you present it as a risk management concern with the legal documentation and formally reading it into the record of the meeting, the liability motivates change.
Thats a good ideal. It's the same thing the state att. gen office told me to try. I did and it did not work. So now the state att. gen oofice is going after them for the open meetings act. So after the 16 I will not have to worry about it. All the things I tried to read into the board meeting has been sent to our ems office. And they said it will be addressed in thier board meeting. Thanks for all the help into this.
If nothing else, I think many of us have a new appreciation for our employers. Mine certainly isn't always the greatest to work for, but it's a good bit better than the conditions you endured. Congratulations on the new job, too; it'll have to be a better experience, because I don't think it could possibly be worse!
This wouldn't happen to be in Illinois. Right outside of Bloomington about 10 miles north on I-55. This sounds like the one I worked for when I was in school. If it is I would run. They had 3 law suits while I was there for less than a year. I thought they would have lost their license by now. And if the mom is the one I think we had the same thing but it was with her son. I turned them in for a few things the where doing back then, and now it looks like they are still doing it. And this was back in 1997. So if it is LAA RUN!! And do not look back.