BLS for Healthcare provider


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Hi, so I am confused on the proper order of steps for CPR for heathcare providers as opposed to non healthcare providers.

For Healthcare providers

You first make sure scene is safe
Then check responsiveness
Then check pulse
If no pulse, start compressions
After 30, give 2 ventilations
Then start compressions again and continue until AED arrives

Now lets say you find a pulse,
then check breathing,
if they are not breathing you open airway and look for obstruction,
if you find nothing, and they still aren't breathing, then you start chest compressions (compressions are to try to dislodge a possible airway obstruction, not for ciruclation)

And for the non healthcare provider,
check for scene safety
check responsiveness
look and listen for life, no pulse checking
start compressions
give 2 rescue breaths

so when does the non healthcare provider stop and check for a pulse or breathing? and is that the same for a healthcare provider is if an AED is not present?
Note: I'm no longer a responder, nor do I teach, so someone who's more up to date on this please feel free to correct me.

A non-healthcare provider (lay citizen) will not check for breathing because rescue breathing is no longer taught in the classes. Either the patient is responsive or they are not.
I guess to clarify my question, is the only difference between lay person CPR and Healthcare provider CPR is that the healthcare provider checks for a pulse while the lay person looks and listens for breathing durin ghte initial assessment?

But for both groups when the AED is not present, after 5 cycles of CPR, the heatlcare provider checks for a pulse while the lay person checks for breathing?

Obviously regardless if they are either not breathing and/or have no pulse, you would do CPR.
I was under the impression that Look Listen and Feel has completely been removed from the algorithms . Breathing is checked simultaneously with responsiveness, for HCPs that is... Not sure about the lay person.
Just do what they tell you to do in class. No need to get more involved than that.