BLS Bashers

I think the majority of the medics here do not bash the Emt's that want to learn!

The ones that get bash are the whackers. The ones that come here asking where to buy the most lights for their POV's. the ones that want to drive ambulances around town for POV's. The ones that just get their EMT cert, so they can be a FF.

I am always teaching EMT's at work, that I can see that they want to learn. I respect anyone that wants to further their education. The whackers just need to shred their cards and go find some where else to play.

I don't like that FD's require EMT to be a FF. FF is hard job on it's own and there is no reason to push someone into a field that they have no passion for.

To all the Basics that want to learn and further their education, ask all the questions you want and they will be answered. To the rest, go hang out on the FF forums!
I think the majority of the medics here do not bash the Emt's that want to learn!

The ones that get bash are the whackers. The ones that come here asking where to buy the most lights for their POV's. the ones that want to drive ambulances around town for POV's. The ones that just get their EMT cert, so they can be a FF.

I am always teaching EMT's at work, that I can see that they want to learn. I respect anyone that wants to further their education. The whackers just need to shred their cards and go find some where else to play.

I don't like that FD's require EMT to be a FF. FF is hard job on it's own and there is no reason to push someone into a field that they have no passion for.

To all the Basics that want to learn and further their education, ask all the questions you want and they will be answered. To the rest, go hang out on the FF forums!

as a basic, there are many threads and posts out here that make me cringe... not a criticism of basics, since i am one...
but we all know the threads and the posts, if we want to be honest...

many, many more posts by basics, defending the basic level than there are actually asking to learn from medics...

it is not enough to say, "medics, stop putting us down and teach us"...
sorry, that sounds like whining.

i can attest that if you want to learn, start a thread about something and ask... you WILL get lots of great responses from medics... i have...

the onus is on the Basic to ask to learn, not the other way around.

so, fellow basics, stop whining and ask... you shall receive!
I think the majority of the medics here do not bash the Emt's that want to learn!

The ones that get bash are the whackers. The ones that come here asking where to buy the most lights for their POV's. the ones that want to drive ambulances around town for POV's. The ones that just get their EMT cert, so they can be a FF.

I am always teaching EMT's at work, that I can see that they want to learn. I respect anyone that wants to further their education. The whackers just need to shred their cards and go find some where else to play.

I don't like that FD's require EMT to be a FF. FF is hard job on it's own and there is no reason to push someone into a field that they have no passion for.

To all the Basics that want to learn and further their education, ask all the questions you want and they will be answered. To the rest, go hang out on the FF forums!

As someone that just advanced from basic to intermediate let me say that for the most part if you feel you are being bashed then you probably are. I have not felt that basics as a whole are being bashed,only the ones who have the attitude of I am a basic I can stop my education. If you are in this business for the right reasons you are never satisfied with what you know you are always looking for a chance do learn and better yourself. As I gather from most threads here the people that get hit the hardest are the ones who try to impress others with their lights equipment or willingness to be EMT 24/7,and the ones who are lookung for answers to keep from doing the leg work to find them. I will agree that in a perfect world every call would be handled by an ALS unit with at least two CCEMTPs on it,but this is not a perfect world so for now we have to do the best we can. My advice to those who dont want to be bashed or have their toes stepped on never stop learning even if you are going to stay at a basic level take every chance you get to learn more to be the best you can. Be long on ears and short on mouth you will find that all but the small minority of medics will be glad to teach you and also will be glad to work with you
I am reminded of when I was in basic school, the medic students would come into the room to borrow equipment, ask a Q to the teach, etc. I thought funny the way these "kids" carried themselves. I even heard one say "those little basics, make them do it" referring to putting away some gear.

I laughed because I had been a MFR for 7 prior years. While not every day, or even every week, I had experienced both good and bad ALS providers. In no way would I discount their knowledge or training, as it is/was obviously much more extensive than mine, but sometimes a person's simple bedside manners could turn a borderline call south very fast.

At 32 years old when becoming a basic, I was the oldest in class by 5 years. I was older than the medic students that referred to me as the little basic. I have a very good full time job with a houseful of kids and a wonderful wife. My education was to be a better FR and provide better basic care training for my fellow FRs.

Short story long, my point is that these kids knew nothing of me or my agenda. My experiences in life, as many, many other people can attest to, help make my bedside manners pretty darn good. If I never get any more educated than a basic and no more experienced than a FR, I know that I may still be better than many medics that I work with at the basic stuff. I'll be there to assist in any way. They are there when we need them, which is every call. We are there first when the patient needs us.

Does this apply to this forum. Maybe, maybe not. The same things said here can be fit into a fire forum or a carpenter forum, both of which I visit as much as here. I learned early here to accept we BASICS are exactly that. There is always more to learn. Most of us are trying to be the best we can. Learning from what others ask and applying to our situation, which varies immensly. I don't post much because usually I can find great info just by reading.
If you have confidence in yourself and your abilities, if you know that you take your job seriously, if you study and improve your skill set, if you know that someone saying... "You don't know this... " is merely a challenge for you to learn more... then most of the bashing won't bother you.
I know what I do has value where I do it. Does this mean that EMS is flaw free? Of course not. Does it mean that the system in which I work should be the model for EMS everywhere? Of course it doesn't.

I generally skim through the EMT/PM wars on here. Both sides in these little skirmishes are looking at the issue with blinders on. The real issues are rarely addressed except as asides.

To me, just a bit too similar to strange dogs circling a fire hydrant.