BlackBerry being used by Winnipeg paramedics to help save lives


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BlackBerry being used by Winnipeg paramedics to help save lives

The BlackBerry has been turned into a life-saving tool by the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service.

In July, the service began a new protocol of beaming electrocardiogram readings of their patients to the BlackBerrys of cardiologists. That allows doctors to coach paramedics through life-saving decisions as patients are transported by ambulance.

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Cool! I like it. It'll be interesting to see if it improves pt outcome.
It does have good results it seems. Theres two sides to this though.. On one hand, as stated in the article, of those treated using this 'new protocol' they have a much lower mortality rate than before. on the other hand, IMHO it goes along with people thinking that paramedics are just there to give an ambulance ride. Yes, having the ability to be able to get on-line medical control and a second opinion is always great when you need it, but paramedics should be able to interpet those on their own. From my understandin of the article, the cardiologist reads it, then tells the paramedic what to do.. now yes this goes to give the patient the highest level of care possible.. but.. There is no reason that a paramedic should not be intelligent enough, and educated enough to make these decisions on there own.

BlackBerry being used by Winnipeg paramedics to help save lives

The BlackBerry has been turned into a life-saving tool by the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service.

In July, the service began a new protocol of beaming electrocardiogram readings of their patients to the BlackBerrys of cardiologists. That allows doctors to coach paramedics through life-saving decisions as patients are transported by ambulance.

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I see that as an affront to the ability and confidence placed with paramedics' knowledge and aptitude of cardiology and their interpretation of 12-leads from the perspective of clinicians.

Widespread enough, physicians alike will begin requesting transmissions before giving orders, thus taking another skill out of the hands of the trained medic.....