You're send down to the local doc in a box (urgent care) for a shortness of breath.
O/A 86 yom with chest discomfort for 5 days had sob for 6-8 hours, is pale and anxious, increased wob incl acc muscle use but no cyanosis pt states has felt fluey and unwell for about a week, no pmhx, nka
O/E GCS 14 (4/5/5) BP 98/68 RR 16 laboured HR 65 SPO2 90% on 3lpm NC temp 38.5° BS mid and basalar crackles, 12 lead ECG negative for MI but does show new onset 1° AVB and multifocal PVCs
Chest x-ray shows enlarged right heart
What are you going to do ..... and more importantly what are you not going to do, and why?
O/A 86 yom with chest discomfort for 5 days had sob for 6-8 hours, is pale and anxious, increased wob incl acc muscle use but no cyanosis pt states has felt fluey and unwell for about a week, no pmhx, nka
O/E GCS 14 (4/5/5) BP 98/68 RR 16 laboured HR 65 SPO2 90% on 3lpm NC temp 38.5° BS mid and basalar crackles, 12 lead ECG negative for MI but does show new onset 1° AVB and multifocal PVCs
Chest x-ray shows enlarged right heart
What are you going to do ..... and more importantly what are you not going to do, and why?