Big book, not a text, many lessons (New Orleans Memorial Hospital and Katrina)


Still crazy but elsewhere
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A compelling read, some of our participants might have their own takes on this from their experience (Acadian Ambulance, take note). Big lessons embedded. I have not finished it yet, but 20% through, if it wasn't a library book, I'd have many folded pages.

A few items:
1. People just showing up and declaring their authority and making no positive improvement.
2. True nature and degree of issues with the surrounding community.
3. How and why political will to plan and build for the future failed (and fails).
4. Failure to consider the hospital as a holistic system (need elevators to go to helipad, elevators need electricity, electricity controllers still in basement...).
5. Absence of training about helicopter ops at the hospital (one person was on the roof inadvertently waving off needed helos).
6. Circular firing squad of assistance (call someone for help=>they refer you to some one else," DC al fine") , over and over , without results.
Anyone else read this?
Sounds like an interesting read. Once done with school I'll have to pick that up!
Looks excellent.

Unfortunately I have little time to read right now and a fairly long list of books that I've already started and not finished.....but I think I'm going to add this one to the cue. Thanks for pointing it out.
Adding it to the list!