Beyond the Emt-P. Whats next?


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I'm a new Florida Paramedic. Got a job, thankfully! Now I want to know what else is out therr for me? I'd like to have more options in the field. Aside from my CC and NREMT...what else is available for additional certs or job opportunities? Want to work a make the money while I'm still young. Any suggestions to make my resume shine for future jobs? Thanks for reading and any input.
flight paramedic is a possibility, so is bridging over to your RN other than that you probably know all the possibilities in this field
Thanks for the reply. Not really thinkin RN bridge right now, and flight entails me getting CC (a class not offered for some time here locally). I heard of a medic working in a hyperbaric chamber...wonder what you need to do to get that cert.
Thanks for the reply. Not really thinkin RN bridge right now, and flight entails me getting CC (a class not offered for some time here locally). I heard of a medic working in a hyperbaric chamber...wonder what you need to do to get that cert.

Being a tech for wound care hardly sounds pleasant, challenging, or lucrative. The problem with paramedics working in hospital tech spots is you have such limited scope compared to being in the field.

There's not a lot of employment moves available as a medic unfortunately. It's either ambulance, critical care transports (flight or ground), or techs. If you're down for moving around, there are Search and Rescue teams, off-shore medical care, and overseas EMS. A lot of medics end up doing either the CCT or RN route when they want advancement. There's also the PA/MD option.
Go offshore!

If you're looking to make the money, the only real options for you are going the RN/PA/MD route. That is unless you go offshore. You can easily make more than a lot of nurses or PA's make and only work for half the year. The only problem I foresee is your lack of time and experience since you mentioned you were a new medic but with the right courses and a lot of looking around, you should be able to find something. Hope this helps.
RN is a nice way to go. I can't believe the amount of money my same employer throws at me for very similar duties when I work as an RN versus EMT-P. For an associates degree its the best bang for the buck. RN however is not for everyone & money can't be your only motivation for it.