Best type of job history for a starting EMT


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Hi all. I'm just about to start my EMT course, and I was wondering, what kind of job history will help me as a starting EMT?

I'm young, and don't have much work experience aside from a few temp jobs I worked while I was taking a break from school. These involved light industrial/general labor/warehouse type stuff.

I'm looking for something part time to bulk up my resume. What do you recommend? I feel something along the lines of customer service may help.
Honestly it doesn't really matter. As long as you've got your cert in hand you'll be fine. Customer service stuff couldn't hurt though, it's what composes 90-something % of the job.
Thanks! Yea I figured if anything could help it would be customer service.

It's good to know that certification may take me far enough.

I'll look for anything that involves interaction with John Q. Public.
If your entry level..

Write an entry level resume. Naturally if you just certified your not gonna have a long resume of job experience and if your young. A long history of jobs isn't probable unless you change them every week.

I would look for a Entry level resume template and make it your own. Naturally the employer is gonna realize your new. And having a job history will show that your reliable and can maintain the same employer.
Type history? Honest, not too many details.
As you get more experience, you will start dropping the oldest /most minor items. Just don't set your employer up for any big surprises.
Thanks for the replies! Very informative.

I'm going to be applying across my state for EMT-B jobs. I'm ready for the most rigorous job hunt of my life.