Baghdad Hospital: Inside The Redzone


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Very good documentary if you guy can find it. Currently on HBO on demand. Recommend watching it! So heartbreaking!

There are some Iraqi EMT/Paramedics in it, even follows them on call. Wow.. Just wow!
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Bagdad can me a miserable place, my best friend spent 21 months (3 tours) over there on patrols and the stories he has are nuts and heart wrenching

That's a great program. The hardships they endure over there as a patient and healthcare providers that are forced to practice medicine based on the supplies they have at the time is horrifying. The 8 year old who had to endure bilateral chest tubes along with all his other trauma from a roadside bomb with nothing other then his father talking into his ear had me tearing up while i watched it.
That's a great program. The hardships they endure over there as a patient and healthcare providers that are forced to practice medicine based on the supplies they have at the time is horrifying. The 8 year old who had to endure bilateral chest tubes along with all his other trauma from a roadside bomb with nothing other then his father talking into his ear had me tearing up while i watched it.

I was a little teary eyed at the end, with the woman in the ambulance calling for a return of Saddam. Her pain seemed almost palpable. I couldn't imagine having to grow up like that... to be afraid every single day that even in your home you may become a victim of the roadside bombs or a stray bullet.

The violence seems so senseless. How can one person do that to another? I don't understand it. I can't believe people can be so cruel and cold.

The people in documentary didn't even seem very angry, just dismayed and despaired.