Back from Las Vegas! And my weekend...


Useless without caffeine
Totally random post, just in case any of you are at all curious -
* The EMS Expo was a LOT of fun. Some of the courses were quite informative.
* I saw ots of cool new products. I'll update this thread with some of the stuff that I thought was neat once I go through the box of catalogs.
* Gotta say, the Wynn has a fantastic buffet. It better be for the $$ they charge.
* My hotel was teh suck. Circus Circus has nice rooms - in the towers. I got stuck in one of these dumpy buildings in the back of the facility, next to the railroad tracks and a KOA. Some skanky hooker tried to solicit me and I said "Didn't I see you on "Cops" once?" She was not amused.
* I got absolutely trashed with a bunch of firefighters and blew $400 at a strip club. That was the stupidest thing I've done in recent memory. The second stupidest was thinking that I knew how to play blackjack. (I don't!)
* I didn't win any money in Vegas but on Saturday morning I found a $20 bill in the parking lot of the Starbucks I hit on my way back to work.

Friday night:
-get back to San Jose at 2215pm.
-Get baggage at 2245.
-Realize that my ride home was at a play that didn't finish until 2300.
-Contact my ride home around 2305 and am happy to hear her say that she'd be there in a few minutes.
-2320 rolls around and my ride calls. "I can't find you!" she says. "I'm right under the sign that says "Terminal C!" I say.
-2321 - she says "Are at San Jose?" and I say "yes." She replies with &^%$#@!!" and hangs up on me.
-2324 - it occurs to me that she's been driving around Terminal C at SFO. I was at SJC. Wrong airport.
-2330 - take taxi home. The taxi driver is on his cell phone the whole trip, and it costs me $30.

-0730 - get up, shower, go to Starbucks, head to work. We're on site for the run of a medieval recreation festival that draws ~4500 people each day. It's an hour drive for me, each way.
-0915 - my partner leaves me a voicemail saying something about her car being hit.
-0930 - I get to the site, set up the medic area, and call my partner. She's stuck nearly 45 minutes away. Her vehicle was struck by lumber falling off some pickup truck in front of her. She's waiting for SJPD & CHP to show up.
-1045 - partner gets on site, tells me her harrowing tale.
-1900 - race home to get my girlfriend so we can head to Oakland. I'm working a medical shift at a roller derby bout.
-2330 - bout is over. It was a lot of fun. Girlfriend & I head back to my car.
-2335 - get to my car. Find my rear passenger window had been smashed out, and my CD player, CB, antenna, and the charger to my cell phone was gone. My CDs, GPS, and everything else remained in the car.

-0200 - get home, pour myself into bed, fall asleep.
-0730 - get up, head back down to medieval festival. I was scheduled for 2 days down there at the last minute.

2317 - now. Rest of the day went good. I have a cold, I'm tired, and I froze my butt off driving on the freeway with no window. Plastic & tape didn't hold and fell off. It rained earlier too.

So, what did y'all do this past weekend? :)


Forum Crew Member
Compared to you I didnt do much at all this weekend! I went atv riding in the morning saturday and spent the rest of my weekend with my new baby boy :) I didnt do anything ems related (unless you want to consider the atv riding since I did I have all my gear onboard.. )

On another note I did want to go to the Expo but my son was born a few weeks early and plans changed.
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Forum Crew Member
Missed rides, crappy hotels, car break-ins, strippers, falling lumber- sounds like a Planes, Trains, and Automobiles adventure (and you were Steve Martin) !! Thanks for sharing:p

Glad you made it home in one piece. And RDKL- congrats on your baby boy!


Useless without caffeine
Missed rides, crappy hotels, car break-ins, strippers, falling lumber- sounds like a Planes, Trains, and Automobiles adventure (and you were Steve Martin) !! Thanks for sharing:p

On the bright side, I didn't wake up in bed with John Candy. :D


Community Leader
Nice. I was out with a friend Friday night, came home, got 4 hours sleep and up for work at 0700. The event was supposed to be a 5K race that started at 0700 and ended at 0930. We got there, my partner talked with the contact person, and we were told that we weren't supposed to BE there until 0930. We left, went back to base and sat around for an hour and a half, then went back... we followed the last runner. We were done after 11, and I went home. I went junkyard hopping for a taillight on my car that broke in a minor MVA on Friday, got the taillight, still need a front corner light... replaced some of the bulbs and my car is legal again. I went home, did some chores, packed and went to the squad. At 2200, I left early, changed, and went to a friend's 21st birthday party. He runs with the squad, and by the time I got there most of the girls had left and it was a bunch of guys sitting around drinking... I had a few beers, met up with another friend and her friend at a diner, had breakfast and was home by 0400.

Up at 1300 on Sunday, did some chores, bought a CD player, mowed the lawn, listened to the Eagles game, then watched the tailend at the squad while volunteering.

Now I'm at the squad, having just finished LAST nights paperwork...