AVPU question


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I know it stands for alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive.

in Alert in AVPU, does that means "eye opening" ? So if their eye is open that automatically gets an "A," if they don't respond to your questions they get A + O X 0. Same goes with non-eye tracking?

how about if they're sleeping? During the state of sleep, would they be a "Verbal" since you can wake someone up by just talking?

Does alert have to be eye opening? can someone be a "Verbal" when their eyes are open, and they cant talk but can follow commands?
Think of it as AOx? VPU.
AVPU is pretty darned crude... but it works pretty well, which is why we keep using it for what it's for.

A= alert. This means eyes open, spontaneously responding, even if alert x 0 and not making any sense of anything.
V= verbal. This means patient responds to verbal stimulation. Otherwise effectively snoozes or goes back to snoozing after you stop talking to them.
P= pain. Patient doesn't respond to verbal, but does respond to painful stimuli.
U= unresponsive. Doesn't respond to anything you do. Patient is as responsive as a rock.