I guess it depends on what you call "bashing."
If bashing is pointing out a point of view that does not celebrate fire fighters as some larger than life hero beyond reproach, I will not stop bashing.
But I do try to refrain from calling people hose monkeys and suggesting they are not capable of becoming better.
I don't consider reminding firefighters they are vocational laborers as bashing. Am I wrong?
I am also not sure how to seperate the Union political action commitee that lobbies against expanded education which directly relates to patient care.
How do you seperate poor patient care practices from operational norms like putting 4 paramedics on every engine company and 2 on every transport ambulance?
Honestly, I think what may be labeled as "bashing," is just a difference in opinon over what constitutes good patient care.
For example, is the primary goal of transport to an emergency department good patient care? Is the economics and logistical problems associated with transporting every patient to an ED good patient care?
Let's face it, when you try to defend your patient care with : "who does background checks? because other providers are molesting patients" (which molesting patients is bad for care I think
) How could we possibly have a constructive discussion?
Is "bashing" simply going against the grain of the propaganda?
I'm not trying to be smart or anything, but what is the secret to discuss improving patient care and advancing the system without pointing out the flaws in the current system? How do things improve if the status quo is sacred?