Artifact in EKG


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So... Today's physiology lab was EKG. We did several strips in Lead II, including a "resting" strip, a "resting and holding breath" strip, a "just after exercise" strip, and a "10 minutes after exercise" strip. All were in Lead II.

When I looked at the EKG strip done while holding my breath... there is a LOT of baseline artifact, while my other strips have no artifact. I can't see anything else out of the ordinary

So... the question - WHY is there artifact with holding your breath?

Muscle tension - imperceptible quivering or movement. When doing an ECG, have the patient supine in as comfortable position as possible.. Sometimes bad electrode contact can cause artifact too.
Muscle tension - imperceptible quivering or movement. When doing an ECG, have the patient supine in as comfortable position as possible.. Sometimes bad electrode contact can cause artifact too.
Thanks... I know that relaxing tends to get rid of artifact... but I couldn't think to explain why it happens.
How long did you have to hold your breath for?? (just curious)

Did your other class mates mates have the same result when holding their breath, and was there perhaps any other electrical equipment attached to you??
Actually... I did the experiment on my own time, because I missed the lab. I followed the instructions in the lab manual... but in class later I found out we didn't have to do the "holding our breath" strip.

I held it for about 20-30 seconds, and the strip didn't start printing until I was 15 seconds in.
Its good to see dedication like that, as some candidates would have just copied the results elsewhere, good on you!

I would have to maybe go along the the lines of Kaisu's post. The only logical explination would be some form of muscle tremors/quivering/shivering resulting from you trying to hold your breath.

But i would still check with my class mates if they had the same result, prior to consulting the cardiologist!!!