Arranging articles/Books on an Ipad


Forum Deputy Chief
So for better or for worse, I've just bought a new Ipad.

One of the reasons I bought it was to read and store articles and textbooks for browsing/reference at work.

Problem. iBooks is a steaming pile of s**t.
-I can't rename files that I download using the iPad browser. I would like to change "41255-GKgks&&" or whatever the idiots called the file in the first place to "Stiell - A comparison of CT bla bla Journal of awesome 2004", but can't. Trying to change the files in iTunes causes any number of f**king problems.

-I cant arrange the files into trees of directories. Eg. Fluid resus/penetrating trauma/colloids. I know I can make a "collection" folder ie Books, pdfs, but I want more levels of organisation.

I've tried several free pdf readers but all of them want me to upload one article at a time via my pc's browser. I have well over 2000 articles and don't fancy sitting around for ten years doing them all individually. None of the readers I've come across so far were any good anyway.

Here's what I'd like:
-I'd like to be able to copy whole folders of articles onto a reader and vice versa.
-I'd like several levels of directories available so I can organise to my hearts content. Preferably with database style tags so that an eBook on Head Injuries for example could be in "books" and "Head injury articles" without two actual copies of the file being on the ipad.
-Some ability to highlight, copy and paste text etc.

Any help with any of these issues would be appreciated. A fix for iBooks? A new pdf reader? Jail breaking?

Sniggering android users can bite me.


Forum Crew Member
So for better or for worse, I've just bought a new Ipad.

One of the reasons I bought it was to read and store articles and textbooks for browsing/reference at work.

Problem. iBooks is a steaming pile of s**t.
-I can't rename files that I download using the iPad browser. I would like to change "41255-GKgks&&" or whatever the idiots called the file in the first place to "Stiell - A comparison of CT bla bla Journal of awesome 2004", but can't. Trying to change the files in iTunes causes any number of f**king problems.

-I cant arrange the files into trees of directories. Eg. Fluid resus/penetrating trauma/colloids. I know I can make a "collection" folder ie Books, pdfs, but I want more levels of organisation.

I've tried several free pdf readers but all of them want me to upload one article at a time via my pc's browser. I have well over 2000 articles and don't fancy sitting around for ten years doing them all individually. None of the readers I've come across so far were any good anyway.

Here's what I'd like:
-I'd like to be able to copy whole folders of articles onto a reader and vice versa.
-I'd like several levels of directories available so I can organise to my hearts content. Preferably with database style tags so that an eBook on Head Injuries for example could be in "books" and "Head injury articles" without two actual copies of the file being on the ipad.
-Some ability to highlight, copy and paste text etc.

Any help with any of these issues would be appreciated. A fix for iBooks? A new pdf reader? Jail breaking?

Sniggering android users can bite me.

Dropbox and Goodreader :)


Forum Deputy Chief
Wow. Nice. Problem solved. Cheers mate.