Applying in Person?


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So after waiting for reciprocity for forever, I finally got my TX license. I'm a new EMT but I need to find employment fast and I was wondering if it was better to apply in person or apply online?

Does anyone have tips in getting hired as a fresh EMT-B?
Depends which services. Some it is impossible to apply in person, they'll just tell you to fill out an online application if you go into the base. Where in TX?
Around the Denton area would be best since I am also continuing my education. I wouldn't really care if it's an IFT, 911, or even if its at a gym.

I just really need a job as an EMS provider. Of course I'd love to work on the front lines on 911 but that's unlikely with 0 experience.
I just googled this, and only know of one by name, Guardian.

Apply anywhere and everywhere. If there's volunteer departments around, as much as I hate to say it, apply with them. As a new basic just get your applications out ASAP

This is the way to go. Any and every way an agency will accept an application. Typically, go by what their standard procedure is. If it says you need to email an posted application to HR after printing it out, do so and follow up.