Anyone see a lithium overdose?


Still crazy but elsewhere
Reaction score
Did it resemble high systolic and pulse with low diastolic, hyperthermic, sudden LOC with possible funky chicken, and decorticate posturing (aka stroke)?
Mine was unresponsive and did not know or even presume etiology until we obtained the Na+ level was out of the roof. Finally, after a history of psych and then the med.'s we narrowed it down.

R/r 911
We used a jackleg lithium level test

"You guys see him taking drugs?"
"Yeah, he was saving up his lithium then taking it", and then found eleven capsles plus other drugs found in his property and "trash".
OK he made it!!

he took a wirch's brew of Darvocet-N 100, lithium, other psych meds he bartered for, and, he thinks, Elavil. (We don't use Elavil anymore). Pale, pupils about seven mm and poorly reactive, acts a little less smart than before, but damn lucky to be alive. No tox screen result from receiving trauma center.
coded a pt who did wake up, was told the post mortem likely pointed to lithium OD.
I had a friend who killed himself with a cocktail of Lithium/Valium/and Vicodin, he didnt wake up at all. He was a former EMT turned RN, so he knew the correct mixture. Not trying to be a bummer but my point is I think most likely the lithium overdose pt, might have a cocktail of stuff in their system, the pt taking lithium most likely has other meds, ofcourse this depends on if the overdose was on purpose or accident.

Just my thought