AMR is NOT popular in the Houston area. They do transfers only, have old equipment, poor pay, and poor management. Probably not the path you wish to travel............
Cy-Fair VFD is allright, they are definately on the move and growing.
Other decent options after you get your Paramedic would be Cypress Creek, Montgomery County Hospital District, Harris County ESD #1, and Ft. Bend County EMS. Unless you have an "in" and several years experience under your belt, none of these agencies will hire you as a "B" (in fact a couple don't hire EMT-B's period). If you are looking at the transfer side, then you have over 100 companies to choose from. The problem is that 95% of them are crap. Welcome to Houston EMS!
Your best bet is either HFD, if thats what you truly want, or move on the Paramedic school. EMT-B's are a dime a dozen in Houston with limited opportunities. Honestly, its not worth wasting your time remaining a basic around here.
Any other ??'s, shoot me a PM.