May 3, 2010 #1 TransportJockey Forum Chief Messages 8,623 Reaction score 1,675 Points 113 I'm gonna be requesting the time off to go. Anyone else form EMTlife gonna be there?
May 3, 2010 #2 8jimi8 CFRN Messages 1,792 Reaction score 9 Points 38 can't decide between the EPC course or the CCT overview class…
May 3, 2010 #3 Shishkabob Forum Chief Messages 8,264 Reaction score 32 Points 48 I was sad when I saw the Texas EMS conference wasnt in DFW again but I just got the magazine showing EMS expo in Dallas. Ill totally be there baring work related stuff, hopefully get to meet a bunch of people. There are a few classes im interested in like the CCT one and one of the ones from Dr Pepe
I was sad when I saw the Texas EMS conference wasnt in DFW again but I just got the magazine showing EMS expo in Dallas. Ill totally be there baring work related stuff, hopefully get to meet a bunch of people. There are a few classes im interested in like the CCT one and one of the ones from Dr Pepe
May 5, 2010 #4 Medic One Forum Lieutenant Messages 107 Reaction score 1 Points 18 I am attending the Expo.....The Law Enforcement Expo is the same bat channel... same bat time..same bat location....heheh..the badge bunnies will be happy.
I am attending the Expo.....The Law Enforcement Expo is the same bat channel... same bat time..same bat location....heheh..the badge bunnies will be happy.
May 5, 2010 #5 NomadicMedic I know a guy who knows a guy. Messages 12,202 Reaction score 6,964 Points 113 I'm pretty sure I'll be going. I've got a few friends that will be going, as well.