Another Pain Management Thread (Multi-System Trauma)

The point is you unnecessarily went into a rant about something that wasn't even worth ranting about. If you thought he made a mistake why not just ask for clarification instead of becoming condescending and insinuating that the poster is incompetent.

And while I dont agree with the statement that "lido numbs the heart", I do understand where that over simplification comes from. Lidocaine does not numb the heart literally like numbness in an extremity, etc, but lidocaine does increase the threshold for ventricular ectopy and arrhythmia and in a sense makes the heart "numb", since it makes the heart not respond to ectopic foci. If your hand is numb, it cannot feel and will not respond. The same concept when people say "numbs the heart". They are just saying lido makes the heart less responsive to ectopic foci and arrhythmia. Not the best way to describe lidocaines mechanism, but is somewhat accurate.

CPAP does not directly "push lung water" but does contribute to making the fluid retreat out of the airways and back across the pulmonary membrane where it belongs. So again, not the best descriptor of its action, but not totally inaccurate either.

Yes, a perfect example of the point I was trying to make. There is very little understanding of pharmacology and no understanding of hemodynamics pertaining to preload and afterload.
Sasha... send me a PM.. im curious to know who you work for now.. I worked in orlando previously...

And if you want to come ride along with us for a shift.. Im sure we could set it up... I think the main requirement is that you've been through HIPPA...and being a EMS provider... we ALL know that we've been bored to death with that one..:P

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act