Another One Just Like The Other One!


Forum Lieutenant
This is just unReal!
@ 1300 hrs. Today called to a(another) bee sting, and possible heart attach.
21 miles to the scene, 1st responders did get on scene prior to our arrival, had O2 going and a heart start monitor on Pt., There 1st statement was "No shock Indicated" My Initial impression was; "Why aren't they doing CPR?"
I asked them if Pt. was breathing as i felt for pulse. They said yes, and i felt the pulse. Pt was out, Color was blotched red, I asked where sting site was?
"Back of head" lots of hair,(Oh boy). My partner handed me the Epi Pen. had just put this one in jump bag 2 days ago, and was clear and OK then.
I administer, Yes we have ALS enroute. 25 mile out. We load and go. Pt started improving within 3 min.
Same ALS crew from Saturday, 1st Q, "What is going on?" Didn't we just do this the other day?

They did there thing and Pt was transfered over to ER,
I talked to Pt, telling him that i was the one who stuck him, He stated he knew what was happening, but didn't feel anything.
He's lying there and is hive from head to toe, just like a lobster just out of the pot.
He said, "funny thing is he never had any trouble breathing" ??

Again, No HX of any allergies, Medics grilled him enroute as to any contact with pesticides, or other chemicals.

Checking with our Administrator, just like i thought. Our service had never administered Epi. Now 2 in one weekend(long one).
And the results were GRAND!

Update on the other,
Medics informed that they were into the ER later on that afternoon, and Pt was Hiving up again. They were dosing Pt. with Benadryl again.


Forum Deputy Chief
you put an aed on before you checked a pulse?

btw, its an aed not a monitor.


Forum Lieutenant
you put an aed on before you checked a pulse?

You missed in the post,
1st responders did get on scene prior to our arrival, had O2 going and a heart start monitor on Pt., There 1st statement was "No shock Indicated"

It is there protocol to attach their AED on all unresponsive Pt's.

They are a "very" rural 1st responder group, and we appreciate the heck out of them.