Another new member here ... Hi from the SF Bay Area


Forum Crew Member
Thanks to google I came across this web site and thought I'll join in the fun and see if I can get advice, give my two cents, just plain read posts and keep myself up to date or maybe even build up a connection to someone.

I'm Markus, I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area. Three weeks ago I finished my pre-req for the EMT-B class at a local community college. Took the "Emergency Medical Responder" Class at the American Red Cross. Pretty intense, learning all the good stuff in just 4 weeks or 12 class sessions, but went all well and got my certifications. Am curious as to see what is missing as the instructor at the end mentioned only briefly that since 01/11 CA regulations and training regarding EMR got even more detailed and it's just a few things missing in order to be prepared for the EMT certifications.

What else is there interesting about me? Hmmm I don't know - I volunteer at the local American Red Cross chapter - part of the Disaster Action Team and heading out as a technician to disasters and relief people from them as well as do the follow-up in the office as a caseworker in Family Services.
As a total opposite - and recommended by anyone who's daily routine is EMS - I enjoy photography - urbanscapes, landscapes and recently got more and more into documenting stage events, portraiture.

Looking forward to be a valuable member of this site and EMS system.
