An example of informed consent?


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Sorry if I'm spamming, but I've been reviewing the different types consent, and I'm having trouble coming up with a situation where informed consent would be used.

I've thought of it like this. Lets say a patient is having an asthmatic attack, and I've done all the required steps prior to treatment. I am to administer Ventolin and Atrovent via MDI, and a known side affect would be tachycardia, and so would telling them that be informed consent?
"I want to give you medicine to help you breathe better. This may make your heart race. is that okay?"

Patient nods.

Informed consent.
"I have some pain medication that should make you more comfortable; some people feel side effects like dry mouth, light-headedness, a little itching and maybe some nausea. If you start to feel sick, I have another medication which should help that as well."

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