Answers to Melcin in order:
Daughter states that the mom is usually aware of her surroundings.
Just beeps.
No doctors able to be reached. RT is headed to the house, but 15 minutes away.
Double bugger
PT has a valid DNR.
Slightly less bugger
HR is 74, bp is 152/88, resp are high/shallow. Breath sounds clear on the right, absent on the left. BGL is 100. Monitor shows NSR, no abbarency/ectopic beats. Matches pulse felt. Pulse ox is 72%
Lets ditch the Bi-pap. Depending on just how shallow the pts resps are we'll assist her vents or chuck a face mask on, see if we can raise the SpO2, which shouldn't be to hard if the problem turns out to be that the that the Bi-pap machine wasn't working properly (I should probably hold off on asserting that until Vent has her say

How does the chest expansion look? Clear and equal breath sounds bilaterally to all lobes?
Anyway, while we're giving that a try, its
AEIOU TIPS time I reckon:
Alcohol - probably a fairly reasonable assumption that she hasn't drunk herself into a coma, but lets have a whiff of her breath and have a quick look around for empties.
Endocrine, Electrolytes, Encephalopathy - I don't know enough about endocrine problems to do anything about that. Hows her diet and fluid I/O been lately (?hyponatremia)
Insulin - We addressed BSL.
Opiates, O2 - We're addressing the O2 issue. Given the resps its prob not a opiate OD by itself at least. Lets have a look at her pupils and whats her pain management schedule? (? polypharm OD).
Uremia - any hx of kidney problems? Is she on any corticosteroids?
Toxins, Trauma, Temp - Quick look for any head trauma, buts its a long shot. Lets grab a temp.
Infection - hx of being unwell? Has she got an IDC? Any bed/pressure sores? We already got a temp.
Psych - probs not that. But how's she been feeling about the impending death? (? Intentional polypharm OD).
SOL, Stroke - Already checked pupils. Nothing much else I can do I suppose. Any obvious differences in muscle tone or unilateral responses to pain? (maybe sorta ? pontine haemorrhage)
EDIT: Mycrofft : wasn't the primary survey clear? It better not be another bloody FBAO. I hates em, I does.