Our medical director did away with lidocaine and carry only amiodarone. I think this a big mistake for any service to pick one or the other. Come on lido is CHEAP! Amiodarone is more expensive, you can hang it in IV bags but must be used within 2 hours due to it absorbes to phlyvinyl chloride bags and tubing. We mix it 150mg in 50ml D5% on a 10 gtt set over 10 minutes for a patient with a pulse...or a drop a second to be exact. If no pulse we give a bolus of 300mg IV no gtt is required. If you had it on a 60 gtt set you'd have to gtt 300 gtt's per second...doesn't add up. It does work...under the right conditions. There are a lot of problems with this drug due to high iodine content to it. If you are allergic to idodine or benzyl alcohol you can't have it. It cannot be used with cardiogenic shock, 2nd or 3rd degreee heart block in the absence of a pacemaker.
It is good to use with Severe refractory arrhythmias...v-fib or v-tach, a-fib with rapid ventricular response and WPW syndrome.
It is very dangerous if you have thyroid problems...bradycardia...hypotension....beta blocker usage...calcium channel blocker usage...Hepatic problems...electrolyte imbalance. It can induse torsades de pointes....QT prolongation...Pulmonary Fibrosis (big time risk)....ARDS....increased anticoagulant effect....can elevate levels in plasma concentrations of digoxin, quimidine, procainamide, disopyramide, phenytion and cyclosporine and potentiate the myocardial depression with admin of volatile inhaled anesthetics. Grapefruit juice can inhibit amiodarone metabolism and lead to elevated drug levels but long-term efficacy and toxicity is not known at this time!
Note that they say you can use amiodarone for A-Fib...the FDA hasn't approved it for that at this time. Cardiologists are choosing it for high risk patients that could die. Amiodarone is highly lipid soluble. High concentrations in fat and muscle, liver, lungs and skin. Very dangerous to pregnant or lactating mother.
It's been shown good success rate for patients to have a heart beat at the hospital but nothing is said about discharge. I'm still waiting for my CA patient this week to improve from amiodarone usage....I've had 10 saves with using lidocaine that walk and talk today. My fav is lido...why change what works and is cheap??? MONEY!!!
I'm doing a big study on both due to loosing Lidocaine. Amiodarone does come prefilled syringe 150mg and you must premix 150mg in 50ml D5%.
Happy Choosing!!!