Americare Ambulance Interview


Forum Ride Along
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I know there are a few threads regarding this company...but I have an interview scheduled with them this friday and was wondering if anyone has recently gone through their hiring process. i'm a little nervous because i was told i would be evaluated on my skills and it's been a few months since ive practiced them. Also, does anyone know what the pay starts off at for a new emt-b with no prior experience?
I'm in your exact shoes. My interview is today(Friday) at 3pm with Americare and I, too, am hesitant about the hands-on portion of the interview because of how long its been since I touched equipment. Oh well. Just going to dive in and do the best I can. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.
Know these:

signs/symptons of CHF, pul edema, asthma, etc
how do you guys think you did? After my interview they said i should expect a call either tonight or beginning next week if i got the position. On my skills i sized the c-collar a little too big =/ but besides that i did well on my written test and my oral interview.

BTW thanks for the heads up on all the mnemonics!
how do you guys think you did? After my interview they said i should expect a call either tonight or beginning next week if i got the position. On my skills i sized the c-collar a little too big =/ but besides that i did well on my written test and my oral interview.

BTW thanks for the heads up on all the mnemonics!

Same here.

I feel like I'm talking to myself right now.