No need to yell, dearie. Calm down
It still doesn't address how you are going to PREVENT EMT's and Medics from molesting patients if they have no prior history before the incident. Or are you just gonna tell their alleged victim "Sorry, I know you felt you were molested but hey! At least we have back ground checks so people with prior offenses don't get hired!"
I like the idea of psychological testing.
Knock off the dearie crap.
Are you really going to tell me you are this clueless as to what to do if you suspect suspicious behavior from a partner? Or, are you flattered because he made the same sexual remarks to you. And, what some may consider inappropriate touching, you invite it while at work?
Sit yourself down and read through the Florida Statutes. If that is not enough info for you, go through their website. I also advise you to take a domestic violence class so you understand the reporting laws of the state.