ambulance attendant certificate????


Forum Ride Along
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What exactly is that and how does one go about getting it?
Where are you talking about?
To drive an ambluance, one needs an ambulance attendant certificate, correct???? What exactly is that and how does one get one?
I don't have any location information for you, so I'll tell you about my area. In California, you need an ambulance driver's certificate. It is a simple written test at the DMV. You receive a piece of paper that says ambulance driver's certificate, and they add it as an endorsment to your driver's license.
Driver and attendent are two seperate things.

OP you need to be more specific.

Try googling your county's EMS Agency to get the info your looking for
We don't even know what state the OP is in and he has a post talking about Nevada.
Second having no idea what you are talking about. State requirements will vary
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Next week on Unsolved Mysteries of EMTLIFE: Where is OP from? Tune in and find out! Dadada dada dada da dada

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Generally an ambulance attendant sometimes known as a ambulance care attendant, or Emergency Care Attendant is a step below an emt b. In Texas I believe it is about a 45-60 hour course and they are called emergency care attendants or ECA's. This is the lowest recognized level of EMS provider in mst if not all systems. I don't think that outside of volunteering it would do you much good. I would suggest going one step up and getting your basic as its not much more class time.

For specific information we will need to know what state you are in as each state has different requirements.
It's a mystery!

Generally an ambulance attendant sometimes known as a ambulance care attendant, or Emergency Care Attendant is a step below an emt b. In Texas I believe it is about a 45-60 hour course and they are called emergency care attendants or ECA's. This is the lowest recognized level of EMS provider in mst if not all systems. I don't think that outside of volunteering it would do you much good. I would suggest going one step up and getting your basic as its not much more class time.

For specific information we will need to know what state you are in as each state has different requirements.

Well, according to this:

Forum Ride Along

Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 3
Training: EMT-Basic

The OP already has it...hmmm
The OP already has it...hmmm

From a California perspective, he could be talking about the ambulance driver certificate from the DMV or about a local accreditation/license. When I was in Orange County, CA, I had both an Orange County EMT License and an Ambulance Attendant License as the latter was required to work in the county along with the former.
There is also the LA CITY DOT license you need and that is either labeled Driver or Attendant because it's grouped under vehicles for hire....