Am I over protective/over reacting?

Thanks for the vote of confidence that maybe I played a little part in this. He has also been unintentionally groomed for medical, even though I didn't realize this is what i was doing as i taught him respect people and their feelings, no matter how trivial, they are still their feelings, don't hurt other people. etc. he is so pumped to get riding and has walked away from the drugs and booze. He's told his friends 'i've worked too hard too long to get to where i am and I'm not letting you guys destroy it for a rush of weed. Nope. When it goes down, EMT's will be there to pick their *** up....his friends are quite jealous of him though hehehehehee. a REAL woman cannot resist a man in uniform.... :O)

I'm not seeing the problem here... Your OP is pretty much opposit of what you just posted. So going with your last post I don't see any issue. Sounds like he's going the right direction with a good head on his shoulders
There are three ways to get something it yourself, pay someone to do it or tell your kids NOT to do it...
You're absolutely correct. There is no problems, no issues - but it wasn't that way in the beginning. And watching him hesitate 3-4 months ago in walking away from loser friends really made me wonder if this was where he really wanted to be. It took a couple situations that he saw from his friends to lay his foot down and come up with the answers on his own that no, a friend stuffing coke up his nose is not what he wanted to be involved with. He does have a good head on his shoulders, and now realizes he doesn't need 'friends' to be important in someones life. He tested the waters and came back to what he was taught from little on up and found out that the values he's been taught far outweigh those his friends were teaching him. Wonderful kid and I'm glad to have him back being who he is, not who everyone else expected him to be.
I just re-read this from EMT-John Quote: It's all about desitions you make. If he desides to burn his rep and crareer by giving someone drugs at a young age now then who to say he's not going to make another stupid desition later in life in a pinch.

Just to set the record straight, my son wasn't involved in giving out drugs or doing them, he was simply hanging around those people that were involved with it.
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just the beginning...

very proud to say my son passed his National this week and is now embarking on a new beginning!

Congrats. I hope it works out for him, socal is swamped with applicants for basic positions
SoCal jobs

Thanks! I'm pretty proud of him! There's always a rush of applicants, I'm glad he has a couple 'trump cards' to play so hopefully that will set him apart.
We can only hope....
